Myanmar: Rule of Law Centres


The Rule of Law Centres Pilot Project, first of its kind in Myanmar, was commissioned by the ‘Myanmar Union Parliament Coordinating Body for the Rule of Law Centres’ and the United Nations Development Program. Implemented by a consortium of three organisations (IDLO, ASF and BABSEACLE), the Pilot Project consisted of designing and implementing a 3-month intensive Rule of Law and legal skills training for lawyers, law teachers and civil society organisations in Mandalay and Lashio (Shan State).

From November 2014 to February 2015, Global Diligence LLP partner, Alexandre Prezanti, was retained by IDLO as an international training expert for the Pilot Project. In conjunction with three international experts and six national facilitators, he designed and executed an innovative curriculum using interactive training methodology. The curriculum has since been rolled out nationally with Rule of Law Centres and training workshops being delivered across Myanmar.

Rule of law is not just for lawyers and judges, it is for the whole country. Only when we have rule of law can we enjoy peace of mind and security”. (Aung San Suu Kyi, speaking at the Rule of Law Centres Pilot Project graduation ceremony)

News Row 2David Parr